Seen & Heard: Joe & the Juice Looks Close to Opening

••• At the Joe & the Juice on Greenwich Street, the paper is down from the windows and there’s furniture inside, so I’d assume it’s opening soon.

••• Besides its shoot today, “Ray Donovan” (or possibly “Billions”) shot here yesterday, too.

••• I need to get an antique grandfather clock appraised. Anyone know someone?

••• James surmised that the interesting truck I saw on Broadway the other day was prepping the street for line repainting, and sure enough, the truck was back today, and it says “Denville Line Painting” on it.

••• The Jill Lindsey flyer that was on the door of 104 Reade is gone, so I think we can assume the shop/café/whatever that was announced for the basement isn’t happening.



  1. Joe and the Juice is open!

  2. Re grandfather clock: Sotheby’s, Christie’s, and Hutter Auctions will all provide free estimates (no obligation) for auctionable items if you send them photos. Hutter replies pretty quickly, I believe.

