Seen & Heard: First Glimpse of 91 Leonard

••• The top of 91 Leonard, as 353 Broadway is being marketed, has been unveiled. Dark and institutional, it’s of a piece with 88 Leonard and 5 Franklin Place.

••• In the past few days, the following terms have been searched a lot on this site: “J. Crew,” “J. Crew Tribeca store,” “2 White,” and “237 W. Broadway.” It makes me wonder whether some sort of news will soon break about the J. Crew Liquor Store, which opened ten years ago, in August of 2008.

••• “Three trees have been assessed by a Parks Department representative as being in poor health and are being removed,” says the update for this coming week at Bogardus Plaza. I do hate to see trees killed, but at least some above-ground progress is going to finally be made. (A reader asked whether the big trees are at risk: “The London Plane trees will be protected,” was the answer from Friends of Bogardus Plaza. “The callery pear trees are invasive and need to go.” I believe that has been the plan since the new design was first announced.) UPDATE: Here’s more from the DDC: “The three callery pear trees slated for removal are not healthy trees. The health & status of a tree is not determined by the contractor but by a licensed arborist who reports to the NYC Parks Department. Parks oversees all the trees in all the City projects. I can assure you, we make no decisions regarding trees, we take all of our direction from the Parks Department. The Department of Parks & Recreation has stated that of all the trees on the project, three are in declining health & may pose a danger in time so it was decided that they’d be removed & replaced. For the three trees coming down, replacement trees will planted in & around lower Manhattan. The exact locations we don’t have but again, Parks will oversee the planting of those trees, our project will cover the cost.”

••• “Blue Bloods” is shooting in the N. Moore/Hudson area on Tuesday.

••• Using photos of quaint old buildings—generic as they may be—to sell a glass office park is a bit rich…. Ignore the 5WTC rendering; it’s a placeholder.


1 Comment

  1. Rich indeed! A gigantic glass tower to go with all the other glass towers on the former WTC site – but you’ll feel like you are in a Harrison Street townhouse!!
