New Kid (literally) on the Block: GothamFix

Have to applaud this solution to rocketing retail rents: longtime (19 years!) Gotham Bikes repair guru Sammy Acevedo has opened his own shop in the neighborhood: a perfectly appointed van, which he parks on the corner of Chambers and Greenwich. It’s a great business model, if you ask me, and Sammy seems like a lovely guy. (I was tipped off by two fans of his from Gotham.) He’s there from 9a to 7p, Monday through Saturday. He repairs bikes within an hour or two (he doesn’t have enough room to keep them overnight, for the most part) so you drop off and come by and get your bike a bit later, all fixed. Sammy said most repair jobs are done in an hour.

“I was very happy to hear Sammy’s voice last week as I walked past schlepping Whole Foods bags,” wrote S. “Great convenient service and he takes pride in what he does. He has fixed more broken strollers and bikes than I care to imagine.”

I bet you can call for an appointment too.

Chambers and Greenwich
Monday – Saturday, 9a to 7p



  1. I stopped by to get my stroller tire fixed on Saturday. This is so useful for our neighborhood. There are no more bike shops within walking distance. Sammy did a fast fix and the price was surprisingly reasonable. It helps that he is a very nice guy too.

  2. I applauded him for not giving up.

    • As a long time patron of Gotham I am thrilled and I hope we can keep Sammy busy enough to stay. The neighborhood needs a friendly local bike service. Thanks Sammy.

      • I voluntarily volunteer to break any unattended/attended strollers – to keep Sammy busy. Please leave them outside away from security cameras. And no thanks is needed, happy to help.

  3. When I saw Sammy outside PS 234 it made my day!!! Alas, I CitiBike…gets me thinking yes?

