Restaurant on its way on Barclay at Church

Not sure how I missed this last spring at the CB1 Licensing meeting, but the long-planned “indoor farm” from New York Vintners’ Shane Benson is coming together in 100 Church, on the Barclay side. (The entrance is 63 Barclay.) (Thanks to N. for sending the pics and progress report.) The d/b/a name in May was Cordyline, and since the cordyline plant (image below) is an Australian import, I am guessing there are Australian connections here.

The original plan in March 2018 was for a cooking and wine school on the ground floor and basement, similar to what New York Vintners did at its Warren Street location but with the addition of a cafe during the day. The space is 4200 square feet in total, with 40-45 tables — 90 seats — in the dining area, six tables at the bar area and three seats at the bar. The capacity is 300 people. The LLC name is IfNotNow. More details TK.

