Where in Tribeca?

Where in Tribeca is this golden detail? Bonus points to whoever can interpret the design.

And…Tribeca Lover has it — at 10 Murray. Yes, could be Art Deco, but what is the inspiration behind it? An artichoke lowering into the Colosseum? Via email came this comment from Jane Freeman: The design looks like the Panopticon of Jeremy Bentham. But I’m sure it carries more benign symbolism. And this from my mother-in-law, a professor of medieval history: If those are indeed artichokes, they are an icon for wisdom.



  1. This is 10 Murray Street. A type of Art Deco ? Tribeca Lover

    • Right you are, TriBeCa Lover. Plus this comment from Jane Freeman via email: The design looks like the Panopticon of Jeremy Bentham. But I’m sure it carries more benign symbolism.
      And this from my mother-in-law, a professor of medieval history: If those are indeed artichokes, they are an icon for wisdom.
