In the News: One case of COVID-19 at 1st Precinct

The Post reports that an officer at the 1st Precinct has been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, and that 31 officers there (out of about 180) are out sick, which I *think* is a high percentage on an average winter day (that’s 17 percent, and I think a more regular percentage of sick workers is 3 percent, but it’s hard to get a handle on that from Bureau of Labor Statistics).

More from The Post: “And of those 31 out sick, 17 have complained of flu-like symptoms, the insider noted. They are being ‘monitored’ but have not been tested, officials said. The stricken cop represents at least the fourth NYPD employee to test positive, joining Transit Bureau Chief Edward Delatorre, Deputy Commissioner for Employee Relations Robert Ganley and a Queens School Safety Agent.”



  1. When will they address the neighborhood?

    That entire precinct should be closed and disinfected top to bottom, not open as there’s a pic in the New York Daily News of a police officer standing next to the precinct entrance.

    • Dear Neighborhood,

      We’re in the midst of a pandemic. This shit is fo’ reals, yo. Your concern and prayers for those police officers (aka first responders) affected are greatly appreciated. Those of you who have hoarded Purell, masks, gloves, frozen burritos and 2-ply toilet paper can drop them off at the 1st Precinct, no questions asked. #InThisTogetherOrNot


      1st Precinct.

  2. Maybe this means they now have the space to bring back the horses like they said they were going to do after the 10 year anniversary.

    • Hmmm…that really does seem to be the most important issue right now. Or maybe not, but I’d have to take the temperature of the residents to be sure. Although, I hope the horses are having a better life now, rather than being stuck in a dark and/or fluorescent light lit cave in the middle of Tribeca, just so the residents and their precious covid-19-resistant children can gawk at them. I could be wrong.

  3. They can’t get test if they don’t have any signs.
    They take all the precautions to not circulate it if they have it. Who knows if they carry it — they can’t get an examination without symptoms.
    Only who feels strong is who still battle. They put their lives on the line to defend yours.

