Washington Market Park playgrounds are open

Getting a jump on Phase 2, Washington Market Park opened its playgrounds this week and not a moment too soon if you ask me. Playgrounds across the city will open Monday, the mayor announced in his press conference, and hopefully they will stay that way.

The city will use its team of 2,300 social distancing ambassadors to police the kids and adults. (Those folks are already at work in bigger parks.)

I’m waiting on the Parks Department to explain the protocol for cleaning and maintaining, especially as the fiscal year draws to a close and the Parks budget will no doubt get slashed (and it’s already too low). And I am curious to see how you tell kids to keep away from each other at play — but we will see how this works this week.



  1. I was there Friday at 11. The park had been open not 2 hours and only 1 in 10 kids were wearing masks. As you say it will be hard to keep kids separate BUT it’s not hard to tell them to wear their mask or they go home. People, do the right thing and mask your child so it STAYS open. We do need the park, but let’s not ruin it for everyone.

  2. Just visited WMP where the majority of grown ups ( 80%?}, moms/ nannies were NOT wearing masks at all, wearing masks down, clearly not observing social distancing by grouping together all around kids who were running around next to them. We left after realizing this was not a good decision to visit. Please don’t ruin this. Moms/ dads wear your masks! Parents tell your nannies to wear a mask at ALL times. Clearly this is not looking very promising.
