Seen & Heard: Hope, under construction

A couple of restaurants that had plans pre-pandemic are now making progress: One White, at the top of West Broadway, with somm Dustin Wilson and chef Austin Johnson from Eleven Madison Park; and a French diner from chef Mitchel London, who worked for Ed Koch at Gracie for seven years, in the old Baked space on Church (below). Wishing them both luck. (and more TK)

JCP Early Childhood Center will hold a virtual open house on Friday, Nov. 20, at 9:30a via Zoom. RSVP required at the link here. This is for parents interested in learning more about JCP’s preschool for the 2021-2022 school year, and gives them the chance to meet administrators and get a sense of the school before visiting.

Cafe Atelier on Hudson, which is also a florist, has this gorgeous arch set up outside — perfect for the holiday shot IMO.


1 Comment

  1. A request for dialog from the Tribeca Citizens of White Street between West Broadway and 6th Ave to the owners of Nutopian Embassy

    An outdoor dining structure is being built (almost complete) by Nutopian Embassy on the south side of White Street between West Broadway and 6th Avenue.
    We have surveyed the other outdoor spaces on similar blocks and reviewed the Open Table guidelines for such structures.
    By the letter of the code it seems the structure is legal. We do note that relative to the other outdoor dining structure on the block (Town Stages) it sticks out an additional 12″.
    These 12″ are critical in that it is now impossible (we tried) to parallel park on the north side of White Street across from the structure. Further, even when cars are parked tight to the north side trucks (including Ladder 8) and other large vehicles must inch along to pass the structure which will inevitably lead to honking horns and disruption on this very quiet block.
    This is not the case for the other existing structure (Town Stages).
    Thus, we ask the following of Nutopian Embassy’s owners.
    Can you possiby scale back your structure by 12″ as a gesture of good will towards your neighbors to avoid the inevitable traffic issues that will occur?
    Please engage with us, your neighbors, as we are all in this together.

    Andrew Scheman
    Annie Chanler
    Diana Heller
    Elenor Kovachevich
    Daniel Miller
    Ariane Lopez-Huici
    Heidi Fasnacht
    James Michael
    Patricia Belfanti
    Peter Halley
