Rallying against Asian hate in the neighborhood

J. sent these pics from last Sunday’s rally at Columbus Park, and a few readers have sent updates on rallies to come. This Saturday, at 1p, there will be a rally at City Hall on the Broadway side against Asian hate and white supremacy organized by the Coalition for Asian American Children + Families.

There’s also a petition circulating now with demands on the city for education and policing. You can sign that here.



  1. Thanks Info. Will be signing this petition.

  2. Stop Asian Hate!! Its so so sad. This man that just got caught brutally attacking a poor Asian lady also killed his mother. He also lives in a ” Hotel for homeless ” Uptown. The hotels around our city are filled with Mentally ill and criminals. Not saying all homeless are these people. But a majority is. We need to protest against them living in our communities attacking our citizens. Asian people are afraid to leave their own homes. This is so sad. The other man that killed two people on the train a couple of months ago was from a homeless hotel also. This needs to end and now. Praying for better leadership and bail reform to end!

