Celebrating the year of the tiger, and protesting the jail

I was disappointed I couldn’t get to the Lunar New Year parade yesterday (though I did get to see “Dear Evan Hansen,” finally) so I asked photographer Emma Guliani to cover. Her photos were so good I am running them all.

Folks from Neighbors United Below Canal also took to the streets to protest the impending jail project, especially since both the mayor and the governor were in attendance. Scroll down.



  1. Did the mayor or governor respond at all to the jail issue with public comments at the event, or after?

  2. I don’t think Adams spoke, or if he did I missed it. He was in Chinatown on Feb. 1 for the start of the new year and talked about committing to safety for the AAPI community. His speech was about 20 seconds long.

  3. If I am not mistaken, an office for the planning and construction of the jail just opened on Walker Street. You should check it out.
    Feels like it’s a done deal.
