Battery Park City resident indicted for raping teenage girl

The Manhattan D.A. has indicted Michael Olson, a 55-year-old man who lives in Battery Park City, for targeting a 14-year-old girl on Instagram and repeatedly giving her drugs and raping her in hotel rooms in Queens and Manhattan. Olson was charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment with multiple counts of Rape in the Second Degree, Criminal Sexual Act in the Second Degree, Aggravated Patronizing of a Minor for Prostitution in the Second Degree, Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance to a Child, and related charges.

The NYPD listed his address as 209 Warren Street, which is not a building as far as I can tell, but The Post listed his address as 212 Warren, which is also 22 River Terrace.

The investigation, which has revealed similar contact with numerous other children, is ongoing.

According to court documents and statements made on the record in court, in December 2022, Olson found the 14-year-old girl’s Instagram profile and responded to a post that she made about clothes being too expensive. He sent her a gift card for clothing and began to pay her to spend time with him. Over the next six months, Olson repeatedly raped the child, paying her approximately $700 a week to engage in sexual conduct in hotel rooms in Queens and Manhattan. He took the child to Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Miami by purchasing her airfare with her first name and his last name in order to portray her as his daughter.

On May 26, 2023, EMS technicians responded after the child began overdosing in a Manhattan hotel room. The technicians found the girl and Olson with numerous narcotics present, including ketamine, cocaine and Xanax. The girl was transported to the hospital – where she recovered – and Olson was arrested.

The D.A.’s investigation is ongoing. If you have any information, call 212-335-3400.

The Post quoted a neighbor: “Rocco Flammia, 44, said his secluded next-door neighbor lived with a woman but also frequently had a young girl at his Battery Park City apartment. ‘I thought it was their child, or maybe from his previous marriage, she looked like she was mixed [Asian/white] but I haven’t seen her in months,’ Flammia said. ‘She was maybe 11, 12,’ he said, adding that he last saw the girl months ago when she was walking the couple’s two little white dogs. ‘I guess they would let her go out by herself. She was always alone in the hallway going out to walk the dogs.'”



  1. Wait bought tickets to Vegas. I’m sorry as a parent if my teenage daughter told me she’s goi g to Vegas or even spending the night somewhere I will like to call the parents and see the child they are going with. Parent should also be charged with neglect and before you come at me I worked with child services and this would be considered lack of supervision.

    • I don’t know if that’s a fair judgement. it’s completely possible that the parents were lied to. In these situations its not completely crazy to suspect a perp may pose as a parent, or a known contact may even pretend the child is with them etc. Teenagers can come up with various ways to deceive their guardians, and this becomes easier when aided by a third party (who is potentially an adult).

      Also, we don’t know the age or background of the parents.They could have been looking for the child and had no way of contacting her, be old and unfamiliar with means like location tracking on cellphones, or may not even speak English fluently etc. There are too many unknown variables to confidently assert that parents should be charged with neglect. I say this not to attack you, but to point out we should lead with empathy for a family that in this case may have been victimized. I’m sure the case will bring further details to light.
