Could 172 Duane finally see daylight?

The addition to 172 Duane, which by my count has been under construction for a decade, may be ready to start again in the next few weeks. I reached a representative of the owner, who I believe is Anthony Coll (that is the name on the permits filed with the Landmarks Preservation Commission) who said work would start soon and would take about six months. The source at Coll’s office said they were refinancing and using the same architect.

My check of the DOB permits show one from 2015 for the four-story addition (see photo below) for a two-family dwelling to the existing two-story commercial structure. They are also adding a residential exit in front of the building.

There is also approval for work issued by the DOB from January of this year. An occupancy list is different from above and instead shows plans for an “apparel and display studio” on 1; offices on the mezzanine and 2; then two apartments on each of floors 3, 4, 5 and 6, plus a roof terrace.

I did reach out to the Landmarks press office to see if they had an updated permit (the building is in the Tribeca West Historic District) and they said that LPC does not currently have an open application for this property. The most recent permit LPC issued was in 2021.

It’s hard to remember, but the building has fanciful cast-iron columns going up two stories; a design from the ’80s called for an 8000-square-foot addition by the Italian architect who modernized the building in the ’80s — Vincenzo Polsinelli. In 2020, I happened to hear from Polsinelli, who is American and has practiced in the U.S. since 1980. He was last involved in this project in 2009. After he got the original Landmarks approval, the owner hired another architect. He added: “The design (do not know who did it) is really lacking sensibility for this rich neighborhood. Very surprised Landmarks approved the change!”

The building’s history is featured here in Tom Miller’s post. It was also the longtime HQ of hip-hop impresario Damon Dash, who had a lease there until 2011.



  1. Lol @ “about six months”. There is a 0% chance of that happening at this building site.

    The city should start charging (and actually collecting) substantial punitive fees from owners/developers that let unfinished buildings sit vacant for years. If a developer won’t or can’t finish the work properly within a reasonable period of time, it ought to be brought to auction to find someone who can.

  2. I agree. There should be a charge for keeping scaffolding for so long so everyone has to bear its ugliness.

    Furthermore, I cant help but comment on the unattractive design of the addition. Let the building be what it is. Her beauty and original intent will be destroyed. It is – what it is. If you need more space – go look elsewhere. Sad to see. Hope it gets canceled and someone can save it and keep it as is.

  3. They should also make buildings responsible in hosing down sidewalks covered up with scaffolding, like 401 Broadway which has turned into a public toilet permanently smells like pee.

  4. Thanks for keeping on top of this! What an eyesore on such an otherwise beautiful block.

