Broadway Spirits moves down the block

Broadway Spirits, which had a shop on Broadway just south of Thomas since 2013, has moved one block south to 299 Broadway between Duane and Reade. They are open now, and will have an event on Friday, Sept. 8, to mark the new digs. I think they are the only liquor store in the neighborhood that is open till midnight.

More when I have a chance to stop by, but in the meantime, thanks to H. for these pics and a reader for the heads-up. And this food for thought: could this mean that the development of 315-317 Broadway is finally happening? That would make good use of the rundown taxpayer on the corner with Thomas.

United American Land owns both 315 and 317 and has Morris Adjmi as the architect of record on permits filed for a 20-story mixed-use building at 315-317 Broadway that will yield 82,524 square feet, with 64,549 square feet designated for 76 residences space and 5,787 square feet for commercial space. More TK on that.

Broadway Spirits
299 Broadway | Duane & Reade
Monday-Saturday: 9a to midnight
Sunday: noon to 9p

