Daily Grocer will return to West Broadway

Daily Grocer, the prepared meals outlet that took up residence on West Broadway between Chambers and Warren last spring, will return with a bigger shop at the old dry cleaner on West Broadway and Warren. The plan is to stay for six months while they look for a permanent space. They hope to be open within three weeks or so.

The business is a partnership between Tribecan and restaurant veteran Lee Weiss, who most recently took over the food program at the Metropolitan Museum with chef Bill Telepan, and chef Aaron Abramson, who has been cooking in fine dining for 20 years all over the world: Blue Hill At Stone Barns, The Willows Inn, Flora Farms in Mexico. (Read their New Kid story here.)

The new shop at 80 West Broadway will have more menu options, a curated selection of pantry staples and artisanal frozen desserts.

