Washington Market Park will get new paths this summer

The Parks Department will be repaving the paths of Washington Market Park — the asphalt loop that circles from the entrance, past the gazebo and around the lawn — this summer. The path has deteriorated significantly, so the Friends of Washington Market Park made the request to Councilman Chris Marte, who came through with $186,000 for the project. It is currently in the procurement phase, when the department seeks bids for materials, equipment and labor.

The city will also replace the benches along the path and improve drainage along the way.

The timeline has not been set yet, but the project should take about six weeks. Parks said they will circle back with details and updates.

The park has custom coated-wire benches currently; the Friends has requested that the Parks Department consider replacing them with the city’s classic World’s Fair benches that are in most parks — wood slats between the historic cast iron footings.

More TK when they have plans set.



  1. How does that cost $186,000 ?

  2. PLEASE don’t replace the benches! I’m so bummed to hear this – those benches remind me of my own 1980s childhood at WMP and I would be so sad to see them go.

    They’re much roomier and more comfortable than the “world’s fair” style ones, and I love their modern look. It’s very fitting for a Tribeca that mixes old and new. Also if these are the original benches, they also last longer than the wooden ones!
