Another illegal cannabis store coming to Chambers?

All signs seem to show — literally — that yet another illegal cannabis shop is coming, this time to the old Chambers Wines store on Chambers between West Broadway and Greenwich. V.’s eagle eye caught the neon pot leaf on the display case on the counter when the door was ajar last week.

How? Why?

I haven’t done an official count, but my guess is we well over a dozen in the neighborhood. None of these shops are regulated in any way — they will sell to anyone who walks in, including kids. Meanwhile neighbors are tripping over themselves to fight the few legal stores that have applied for spots in the district. I just don’t get it.

And back to the dosing, I am a bit fixated on this: since the stores are illegal, they can sell whatever they want. And much of their merchandise is unregulated, unlike that from state-licensed dispensaries where the products are tracked “seed to sale.” If you don’t know any better — for example, if you are a teenager — you might as well get the biggest dose for the best price. And taking those high dosages is not too fun. The Times has a good story here about the health risks for teens, and Harvard Med School has a primer on cannabis dosing here.




  1. Ugh, this is so disturbing. What happened to the supposed crackdown on these types of stores that Adams and Hochul promised a couple of weeks ago?

  2. Hello fellow Tribeca citizens!!! WAKE UP!!
    By not allowing the LEGAL stores to open in our neighborhood, you are de-facto allowing your children to buy weed from illegal stores…
    Legal shops check ID…illegal ones dont…WAKE UP!!!

  3. the mayor and governor are all talk. our city is in trouble. This is just one thing on the list that is making it dangerous and unsafe to our kids and adults. They are ” illegal”!

  4. I find it interesting that Chambers Wines left the space due to an increase in rent they could not afford, yet this new unapproved / unregulated store seems to have no issue covering what I can only assume is the same rent. I wonder what economics are at work there.

    Also, blame should go to the owner of the retail space and blind building condo board (either willfully or ineptly so) who thought nothing to rent to this business. It’s not as if someone were pitching the opening of a bodega in the space, considering there is one immediately next door in the old Zuckers space.

  5. Completely agree with you Mike!

  6. As always, I have to remind everyone that none of this kind of crime occurs in NYC (especially a few blocks from police HQ) without the NYPD knowing about it.

  7. Selective enforcement (or complete non-enforcement) of laws seems to be the norm in NYC for some years now. It makes a mockery of the law, and of those who care to be law-abiding. What can be done about this?

    • The NY cop unions were totally opposed to the legalization of marijuana consumption, mainly because it was an easy way to arrest folks they don’t like and pad their numbers. I’m confident their non-enforcement of laws against these blatantly illegal shops is their not-so-subtle protest.

  8. I completely agree with Mike and was so upset to see the outrage and protest a few weeks ago against a legal shop opening in the neighborhood.

    These illegal shops should be shut down and our outrage focused on them.

    A legal shop would only help to combat these other stores operating on the wrong side of the regulations/laws.

  9. It’s less than 500 feet from PS 234, and Washington square park. And directly across from 16 handle and the new candy store. Which by the way there is already an illegal weed shop directly across the street. Nothing will happen if we don’t protest

    • All those siting rules only apply to LEGAL cannabis stores. The illegal ones are not regulated by the nature of being illegal!

  10. Been here 25yrs… Never thought I would want to leave this city. Quality of life is a disgrace right now. The will of the people doesn’t matter anymore and common sense is dead.
