Nosy Neighbor + Breaking News: What’s happening with the water play features at Pier 25?

From C. and L., in addition to a couple others: “Wondering if you have any update on the status of the sprinkler area at Pier 25? It went under construction back in the fall but seems to have stalled out over the past couple months.”

The answer to that: The Hudson River Park Trust is hustling to get the water play features on Pier 25 finished asap. There have been some technical delays with the concrete installation, and then next on the docket is the reinstallation of the spray features. Stay tuned. Obviously this work can only take place in good weather and after the last possible frost, so it was paused over the winter.

On the good news front, the fog plume at the park’s Science Playground, which opened in January just upriver from Pier 25, will be activated shortly. This is at the area with the two giant, climbable sturgeon. Should be fun…




  1. The teardrop park water feature is also under construction (again) and out of commission. Despite being different entities responsible for them, a little coordination would have gone a long way, and it’s a shame they couldn’t have gotten one or both done before the warm weather…

    • I was also going to mention teardrop park water feature construction. Can you find out the status of that for us as well?

  2. BUCKETS!!! Hooray!
