Work to start this week on Capsouto fountain

Repairs will begin this week on the fountain in Albert Capsouto Park, the triangle at Canal, Varick and Laight, the Parks Department said. From what I understand, it has not functioned in several years.

The 114-foot-long fountain was designed by Soho artist Elyn Zimmerman. When running, water spills from an 8-foot tower into a series of stepped “locks” evoking the canal that once flowed along the Canal Street. (The pictures above are from the park opening in 2009.)

“The fountain’s sole ‘function’ at the moment is as a skateboarder destination and sometimes bedroom on the top of the fountain,” said Steve Boyce, long-time Vestry Street neighbor who has been organizing park cleanups recently.

But the repairs coming this week are progress, and neighbors have been trying to spruce up the park’s garden beds. Steve estimates he has put in 80+ hours over the past two months on weeding, pruning and watering, and others have contributed another 30 or so hours. Water for one of the spigots is back on after a long dry spell — literally. Invasive plants have been cut back, and the next project is to get the ground cover vines under control.

“People are enjoying the park!” Steve said. “I’m getting to know the regulars there — preschools, transit cops, nurses, locals, tourists, delivery workers…”

If you want to chip in on the park maintenance, or even just discuss ideas, you can reach Steve at at 646-610-9986 or (He organized a park cleanup recently and will do more if there’s interest.)

The park was named after longtime Tribecan and neighborhood booster Albert Capsouto in 2010.



  1. This is great news!

  2. This is welcome news. This poor park has been neglected from the day it was opened. First: I do not know why the Parks Department designs and executes Parks without irrigation. And Capsuto Park was planted with “wintercreeper” as ground cover. This is an invasive and hard to control plant. Good luck with bringing it back to life. The repair of the fountain is a big start
