Nosy Neighbor: Just how many lanes are on Greenwich?

I ran this post in February 202o, after A. wrote: “Is Greenwich Street a single lane street, or more?  There are no lines, so it seems like it should be a single lane road, but I’ve seen two lanes form, and sometimes a creative third lane, in addition to parked cars.”

And I am revisiting since J. just sent the photo below and this note: “This morning (June 1) around 6am, I saw white dashed lines being drawn down the middle of Greenwich St. I wonder why?”

This still is one of my favorite nosy neighbors. A real urban mystery. And the DOT solved it back in 2020 with this: “The cobblestone portion of Greenwich Street is one lane and other portions that have asphalt are two lanes.” So that puts the dividing line between one lane and two at Hubert, meaning you can pass the trolling taxis once you hit the Citibank building.

And they made it official four years later!

