The street artist Brandon Sines — aka Frank Ape — painted the picnic tables at Washington Market Park, so those of us on the Friends of the park have gotten to know him a bit. He was a judge of the Pumpkin Carving Contest and he generally keeps in touch. Recently he invited us to his studio on the 71st floor of 3 World Trade Center — and what a treat.
His work is delightful, and he could not be a nicer guy. We got to see plenty of Frank Ape in all his charming iterations, plus tour the floor and see the views.
There are about dozen artists sharing the floor, which wraps around the elevator banks like a donut. Floor to ceiling windows at every edge. Plus sun streaming through — his space faces south. Years ago, Brandon was commissioned to add Frank Ape to the construction walls around the incomplete 2 WTC, so Silverstein Properties reached out to him this past October when they had an open spot. Until then, he was working out of his garage in Astoria.
“I always fantasized about having natural light,” Brandon said. “I am not sure if the space is changing my art or it’s just where I am in my life — my work is always evolving. But I am seeing things differently, and now I can work even bigger.”
Brandon also has a new book out, “There’s Magic Inside All of Us,” which shares Frank Ape’s whimsical universe and words of wisdom. I recommend.
So cool! Can the public go up there to see the art?
No. It is private studios.