January 7, 2016 Restaurant/Bar News
I stopped into Raccoon Lodge yesterday afternoon because—well, because it was open. The nice bartender explained that closing on New Year’s Eve was indeed the plan, but now that the bar is in talks for a space “down the block” (which has to be Tara of Tribeca at 20 Warren because that’s the only conceivable option), the owner decided to keep it open for a bit, probably till the end of the month. And if they do sign a lease, and they’re able to move in relatively soon, the developer of the big W. Broadway project (Cape Advisors) told the Raccoon Lodge’s owner that it could stay open a couple of more months, if need be. All of this explains why Raccoon Lodge is bothering with a liquor-license renewal.
P.S. Being inside the bar during daytime put this song in my head.
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With great interest, I am following the valiant effort to keep The Raccoon Lodge open until a new location can be found. I absolutely love the place. A new site probably won’t be quite the same…but if the people (on both sides of the bar) stay the same, it will all be O.K.