Bogardus kiosk will open again with food to-go from Benvenuto

Benvenuto, the 24-hour cafe that has been on the corner of Greenwich and Franklin for 15 years, will take over the Bogardus Plaza kiosk starting in about a month. The equipment has been ordered and the build out is happening now.

Hours will be Monday to Friday, 7a to 7p, and weekends 7a to 5p. Starting in December through March, the “colder” months, hours will be 7a to 5p. The menu is below, but count on sandwiches and wraps, egg sandwiches all day, original Greek yogurt parfaits (one has dried figs and honey), smoothies and of course, coffee — in this case Mud Coffee.

“It’s very popular in the East Village with a very big following and we hope it will catch on down here as well,” said Vasilios “Bill” Mallas. (That’s Vasilios on the left, below, and Benvenuto’s longtime manager, Antonio Jannet, on the right.)

Vasilios’ father, Perry Mallas, opened Benvenuto in Tribeca in 2008, after running restaurants in the Flatiron. In the past several years the pair has opened kiosks around the city, so this concept is familiar. They currently have four, including Astor Plate in the Village on Cooper Square and Flatiron Plate on East 23rd Street, which offer similar menus to this one. “Tribeca Plate will be a continuation of the brand,” Vasilios said. (There is also Taco Madre Albie’s at Albie Square and one at Willoughby Square. Food for all four is prepared at the cafe on Franklin.)

The kiosk is intended to help subsidize the cost of maintaining Bogardus Plaza, which currently counts on donations for its upkeep. “The income generated from the kiosk will cover about half of our operating expenses so we will continue to rely on the generosity of our neighbors to keep the plaza maintained and programmed throughout the year,” Friends president Victoria Weil said. The contract originally went to Zucker’s Bagels, which tried to run an offshoot of their shop around the corner on Chambers. But the concept didn’t stick. They closed this past June when their contract was up after a year.

The construction of the kiosk was funded by private loans from neighborhood folks, the lead of which was longtime Tribecan Jeff Tabak. The cost was $150,000 and the loans are being paid off at a very low interest rate over 10 years.




  1. This is fantastic news. Very glad they were able to work something out.

  2. This is great! Congratulations to Benvento – another great addition.

  3. Hurray! Great spot for a mini Benvenito. I can’t wait.

  4. Great news. Benvenuto is reliable and great. Yay for the neighborhood, and for them.

  5. Such exciting news! We love the team at Benvenuto! This will be a fantastic addition to the neighborhood.
