The lights come on at Catherine Lane

T. sent this photo recently, documenting the removal of the sidewalk bridge — and the sky! — running the length of Catherine Lane, the one-block, east-west alley between Broadway and Lafayette, Leonard and Worth.

“A sight I have never seen!” T. said in his email. “How much do you think they paid to rent 150 feet of scaffold for two decades? Never ever saw work on the facades of either building…but lots of unhoused people called this place home for years.”

In December 2013, the alley was a Where in Tribeca? with the scaffolding firmly in place. But T. is sure it stretches back a decade before that.

This comes with lots of action for that stretch of Broadway to the south. See updates on that here.



  1. Let there be light! It’s more like two decades I think. That horrible scaffolding is gone along with all the garbage. Makes my day and I can’t wait to take a stroll down the lane.

  2. I can’t see the scaffolding, what am I missing? The perennial one in front of and around 401 Broadway, Broadway /Walker is a real problem and disgrace, with no visible construction activities. Does anyone know what they’re up to?
