June 30, 2011 Community News, Restaurant/Bar News
It’s time once again to pick through the preliminary agendas for the monthly CB1 committee meetings. They’re subject to change, so if an issue is important to you, check here before heading off to the meeting (the meetings’ locations are all there, too). My comments are in italics.
7/5 Battery Park City Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: Poet’s House
1. Tour of Poet’s House No disrespect to Poets House, but making these meetings do double-duty as promotional moments is a depressing idea.
2. At-grade crossing of West Street at Vesey Street – Discussion with New York City Department of Transportation
3. Issues with curb cuts along West Street near West Thames Street – Discussion with New York State Department of Transportation
4. Battery TV survey regarding use of the lawn
5. Street Activity permit application by Harmony on the Hudson on Sunday, September 25, 2011, Battery Place between Little West Street and 1st Place – Resolution
6. The following notices have been received for renewal, upgrade or transfer of wine and beer or liquor licenses and sidewalk cafe applications:
a. 455 North End Avenue, application for renewal of a restaurant and cocktail lounge liquor license for Brookdale Living Communities of New York – BPC Inc. d/b/a The Hallmark Battery Park City. They have cocktails?! Save me a space right now!
b. 3 WFC a.k.a. 200 Vesey Street, 50th Floor, application for renewal of a restaurant liquor license for Compass Group USA, Inc. and Thompson Hospitality Services, LLC Do they mean 1WTC? Because 3WTC is a long way off.
7/6 Financial District Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: Community Board #1-Office, 49-51 Chambers Street, Room 709
1. 120 Cedar Street, application for restaurant liquor license for Ruchi Indian Cuisine (tentative) – Resolution
2. Pier 11, between Gouverneur Lane and Wall Street, South Street, application for tavern liquor license for Three Brothers Baking – Resolution I was just there and saw no bakery…. Did I miss something? I see no mention of a location there online; it must be new.
3. Street Activity permit application by Sons of Italy Freedom Block Party (Promoter Mardi Gras Festival) on Sunday, September 25, 2011, Liberty Street between Broadway and Trinity Place – Resolution
4. Green Resources in CB1 – Presentation by Urban Fellow Heather Anderson
5. The following notices have been received for renewal, upgrade or transfer of wine and beer or liquor licenses and sidewalk cafe applications:
a. Castle Clinton at Battery Park, renewal of liquor license for Statue Cruises, LLC, d/b/a Miss Ellis Island
b. 7 Dey Street, application for renewal of liquor license for JY Food Corp. d/b/a Arome
c. 7 World Trade Center, application for renewal of restaurant catering facility liquor license for Restaurant Associates, LLC and New York Academy of Science
d. 25 Broad Street, application for renewal of liquor license for Caldwell Corp., d/b/a Bobby Van’s
e. 40 Broad Street, application for renewal of liquor license for 40 Broad Commercial, LLC d/b/a Sho Shaun Hergatt
f. 45 Stone Street, application for renewal of liquor license for 45 Stone Street Venture Ltd., d/b/a The Dubliner
g. 72 Nassau Street, application for renewal of wine and beer license for Zaitzeff Corp.
h. 79 Pearl Street, application for renewal of liquor license for 46 Stone Street Venture Ltd d/b/a The Waterstone Grill
i. 88 Fulton Street, upgrade from wine and beer to full liquor license for Polyanka Inc. b/b/a Café 88
j. 120 Broadway, restaurant liquor license for Capital Grill Holdings, Inc., d/b/a The Capital Grille
7/11 Personnel Committee – 4:00 PM
Location: Community Board #1- Office, 49-51 Chambers Street
Interview with Applicants for Community Liaison position
7/11 WTC Redevelopment Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: 7 World Trade Center, 10th Floor, a/k/a 250 Greenwich Street It is?
1. Silverstein Properties International/Port Authority NY&NJ Update
2. WTC Environmental Health Centers of Excellence Medical Research Findings by Dr. Joan Reibman and Terry Miles
3. The Battery Conservancy – Update on Events Why is this in the WTC committee?
4. 9/11 Health Fund Expansion – Resolution
7/12 Youth & Education Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: Community Board #1 – Office, 49-51 Chambers Street, Room 709
1. Presentation regarding Department of Education home schooling initiative Yawn.
2. Presentation by Ellen Sowchek from Pace Archives regarding Oral History of 9/11 project Stifled yawn out of respect.
3. Speaker Silver’s Overcrowding Task Force – Report The findings? Open more schools.
4. Presentation regarding Department of Education anti-bullying program (tentative)
5. Loss of 2600 teaching positions through attrition – Resolution
6. Review of past issues:
a. Millennium auxiliary site and gym
b. Medicaid reimbursement
c. Peck Slip School seat increase request
d. Anti-bullying
7/13 Tribeca Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: Community Board #1-Office, 49-51 Chambers Street, Room 709
1. Liquor License Applications:
a. 52 Walker Street, application for renewal of tavern liquor license for KNH Enterprises, LLC d/b/a M1-5 – Discussion You’ll recall that this renewal raised flags at June’s meeting.
b. 279 Church Street, application for a new tavern liquor license for Yves Jadot d/b/a to be determined – Resolution The possible speakeasy (right) is back on the agenda! The question stands: How will residents nearby feel about another bar on a block packed with them?
c. 77 Hudson Street, application for a new restaurant liquor license for Zutto Squared, LLC d/b/a Zutto – Resolution Mysterious. There was arecently a sign outside Zutto saying it wouldn’t be serving liquor, and now it’s closed for 10 days or so. It’s possible they missed the renewal paperwork, or something else could be in the works….
2. Sidewalk Café Applications:
a. 222 West Broadway, application for a new unenclosed sidewalk café for Lena Inc d/b/a Franklin Caffe Buon Gusto – Resolution
3. Street Activity Permit application by The Village Light Opera Group on Saturday, October 15, 2011, Leonard Street between Broadway and Church Street. Closure of streets during the hours of 10 AM and 7 PM; event will take place between noon and 6 PM – Resolution
4. Street Activity Permit application by Jewish Community Project Downtown on Sunday, October 16, 2011, F/O 146 Duane Street between West Broadway and Church Street. Closure of streets during the hours of 7 AM and 2 PM; event will take place between 11 AM and 2 PM – Resolution
5. Request by New York City Rescue Mission for support of request for grant from Federal Home Loan Bank for addition of three floors to current structure – Letter of Support
6. The following notices have been received for renewal, upgrade or transfer of wine and beer or liquor licenses:
a. 241 West Broadway, application for a renewal of a restaurant liquor license for 241 West Broadway Café Inc. dba Cercle Rouge
b. 277 Church Street, application for a renewal of a tavern-restaurant liquor license for B Flat Inc.
c. 125 Chambers Street, application for a renewal of a restaurant wine and beer license for Krystna Mielczarek, Sash Café Company d/b/a Cosmopolitan Café
d. 311 Church Street, application for a renewal of a restaurant liquor license for Tangier LLC d/b/a Macao Trading Company
e. 281 West Broadway, application for a renewal of a restaurant liquor license for P.E.C. Group Ltd. d/b/a Pepolina Or something like that.
f. 61 Warren Street, application for a renewal of a restaurant liquor license for The Little Restaurant Corp.
g. 131 Duane Street, application for a renewal of a restaurant liquor license for Radiante, LLC d/b/a City Hall Restaurant
h. 41 Murray Street, application for a renewal of a tavern liquor license for Amarach LLC d/b/a Eamonn’s
7/14 Landmarks Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: Community Board #1 – Office, 49-51 Chambers Street, Room 709
1. American Stock Exchange Building at 86 Trinity Place and Western Electric Company Factory Building at 125 Greenwich Street – Resolution 86 Trinity (left) is the one being converted into a hotel/retail complex/residences.
2. Bogardus Garden Clock Tower Proposal – Resolution The Tribeca Committee already approved it.
3. Governors Island, application for approval of demolition of three buildings in historic district, two non-contributing additions to existing buildings and a swimming pool – Resolution
4. 70 Pine Street, application for storefront and interior alterations and creation of a loading dock – Resolution
5. 111 Broadway, application for storefront renovation and awning – Resolution
6. 404-406 Broadway, application for replacement of windows – Resolution
7. 326 Canal, application for new sign – Resolution
8. 407-411 Greenwich Street – Rooftop addition and mechanicals and façade revision – Resolution
9. Manhattan Borough Board Resolution Regarding Community Board Review of Landmarks Applications – Adoption
7/18 Street Fair Task Force – 6:00 PM
Location: Community Board #1 – Office, Chambers Street, Room 709
1. Update on 2011 Community Board One street fairs – Report Here’s an idea: Seeing as how CB1 makes money from street fairs, perhaps it should set up an independent commission of locals to decide whether they should be allowed.
2. Sponsorship of Street Fairs for Fundraising by CB #1 in 2012 – Resolution
7/19 Seaport/Civic Center Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: Community Board #1 – Office, 49-51 Chambers Street, Room 709
1. Foley Square Wayfinding Signage – Update
2. Street Co-naming Request for J & R Music World, Park Row between Beekman and Ann Streets – Resolution Let it go already!
3. Collect Pond Park Construction Update – Lawrence Mauro, Department of Parks Maybe something is finally happening to sad, neglected Collect Pond.
4. Delury Square Park Issues – Discussion
5. Bike Path in City Hall Park – Resolution Wanna bet the DOT still thinks there’s no problem?
6. 277 Water Street, application for a new restaurant liquor license for Samsara Café Inc d/b/a Samsara – Resolution Finally! This has been in the works forever.
7. The following notices have been received for renewal, upgrade or transfer of wine and beer or liquor licenses:
a. 89 South Street, application for a renewal of a restaurant liquor license for Seaport Ocean Club Inc d/b/a Harbour Lights
7/21 Quality of Life Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: Community Board #1 – Office, 49-51 Chambers Street, Room 709
1. Update on Construction Projects in Lower Manhattan by Robin Forst, Director of Community and Government Relations, LMCCC
2. Department of Health presentation on BigAppleRx Discount Card (tentative)
3. Presentation regarding 5 to Ride Campaign by Nicole Gruskin, Gruskin Foundation You read about it here in March.
4. Presentation regarding advocacy campaign for enforcement of bicycle laws by Jack Brown, Coalition Against Rogue Riding
7/24 CB #1 Monthly Meeting – 6:00 PM On a Sunday?
Location: Dance New Amsterdam, 280 Broadway, 2nd Floor (Enter at 53 Chambers Street and Elk Street)
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