In the News: Weekend Bridge Destruction

••• Ooh! “A sample sale of John Robshaw textiles takes place at 349 Cortlandt Alley [White/Walker] on 11/20 and 11/21, 10-7, and 11/22, 10-2.” —Manhattan User’s Guide

••• “Judge Rules that Pier 17 Holdout, Simply Seafood, Can Be Evicted.” —Tribeca Trib

••• Downtown Express interviews the owner of 100 Franklin, “the Matera Management Company (also known as the Matera Family Limited Partnership), which also owns several Tribeca buildings, including some within the Tribeca East Historic District. The Matera Management Company was, for four decades, owned and operated by John Matera, Sr., until his death in 2009 at the age of 81. After that, the company was left under the primary control of his son, Peter Matera.”

••• Pier A is looking less likely to open by the spring. —Broadsheet

••• FiDi love stabber on trial. —New York Post

••• “The Vesey Street pedestrian bridge that spans West Street will be dismantled and removed in two sections over the next two weekends. This will cause lane closures for extended periods of time, and motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes.” In the meantime, it’s fun to see the bridge end mid-air. —Broadsheet

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1 Comment

  1. As if Simply Seafood ever stood a chance.