Do you ever slow down and look at the details, textures, and scars that give Tribeca its character? Take Reade Street, for example....
The details that give Tribeca so much of its character are slowly being cleaned up and smoothed out. Savor them while you can. / 2 comments
Do you ever slow down and look at the patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Tribeca its character? Take W. Broadway, for example....
Do you ever slow down and look at the patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Tribeca its character? Take White Street, for example....
Do you ever slow down and look at the patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Tribeca its character? Take Murray Street, for example.... / 2 comments
The patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Franklin Street—and Tribeca in general—its character. / 2 comments
The patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Franklin Place—and Tribeca in general—its character. / 1 comment
The patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Vestry Street—and Tribeca in general—its character.
The patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Worth Street—and Tribeca in general—its character. / 1 comment
The patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Walker Street—and Tribeca in general—its character. / 1 comment
The patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Lispenard Street—and Tribeca in general—its character. / 2 comments
The patterns, details, textures, and scars that give Chambers Street—and Tribeca in general—its character. / 1 comment
lawyer* — Peter G / Nosy Neighbor: Can’t we restore the sidewalk in front of 45 Park Place?
I am not a layer but it seems the motion for foreclosure on the lot next to 45 Park Place... — Peter G / Nosy Neighbor: Can’t we restore the sidewalk in front of 45 Park Place?
Yes! This is actually a problem at the very corner where that photo was taken. The crosswalk area between the... — Lisa / Seen & Heard: It’s restaurant week!
Also issue with lack of clearance of DOT "pedestrian islands". There are many of them. And it is actually a... — Lin / Seen & Heard: It’s restaurant week!
Fantastic idea. We need them!! When will they start working for individuals? — Alexandra Neil / Kids These Days: Tech Tips
Fantastic! What a fantastic idea put into motion! The seniors must ADORE these kids, and I bet the kids are... — Lisamarie / Kids These Days: Tech Tips
terrific kid! terrific idea! — madeline c lanciani / Kids These Days: Tech Tips