Madelyn Wils, the head of the Hudson River Park Trust (and a Tribeca citizen), gave me an exclusive tour of the unfinished part of the park's Tribeca section, including a look at the restaurant space, an update on the esplanade, and more. / 3 comments
Plus: Kutsher's lunch counter; feces-tosser arrested; Shibui Spa; law-school suit dismissed; Trinity Church clamps down; new CSA; Hudson River Park Trust. / 3 comments
Changes are afoot. Plus: Holding hands to commemorate 9/11 and writing songs about Battery Park City. When did this become the dorkiest part of Manhattan? Udpate: Added item about the BPC ice rink. / 1 comment
On weekdays, anyway. Plus: P.S. 234 overflow headed to Chinatown; Shake Shack BPC; new head for Hudson River Park Trust; smoking still OK in BPC?; real-estate optimism; River Lofts; Rector Square. / 4 comments
we get what we vote for — josh / City proposes another Safe Haven shelter for the Seaport
i believe they are just outside the landmark district — josh / Corner of Lispenard and West Broadway is sold
Agree that Warren Peace is good. So is Monk McGinn's and the recently opened Boss Tweeds — Ted / Corner of Lispenard and West Broadway is sold
Thanks for the bird pix and here’s a link to your previous article about Gail Karlsson’s bird book for anyone... — Hudson River / Seen & Heard: Park closings for July 4
Pour one out for Belle Reve as well :( — Bradford / Corner of Lispenard and West Broadway is sold
Glad to see this, and I like the renderings. This lot was always a graffiti-vandalized eyesore. So this is quite... — Marcus / Construction moving along at 14 White
Surely someone is offended that no one was offended. — Marcus / Corner of Lispenard and West Broadway is sold