And the store is reopening on the Lower East Side. Plus: Deals for Kidville and spa treatments; landscape-painting show; kissing for discounts.
Sad new on Thomas Street. Plus: Muscle Maker Grill opens, Family festival promotions, Papatzul deal, Manhattan Children's Theatre freebie, A Uno event, and more
Sugar-loving fashionista (that's the name of her blog) Paulette Goto answers questions about her Tribeca—including where she dances on tables and how she gets the soles of her feet as soft as a baby's ass. / 5 comments
Plus: Mysterious Bookshop gets sneaky • Battery Park City gets a library • TPAC hosts a mummy • Apexart teaches kids to silkscreen • Trattoria Cinque throws a party • And more
Maximize your massage at Equinox • PB & Caviar brings out more $15 sale items • A New York Sports Club deal • Where kids can make their own toys • Duane Park wants to take you to a special place
Sale at PB & Caviar • Last day for ice rink • City Hall vegetable garden? • Artistic fencing at 56 Leonard • What $7.5 million buys these days • Damon Dash's gallery opening • And more
"Huge sale" at PB & Caviar • Museum of Chinese in America gears up for the Lunar New Year • Pearl Paint appears to be on the ropes (and the frame store is kaput) • Real estate drama
It was supposed to reopen after filming of the Netflix series "The Black Rabbit" ended in the fall, but so... — Luis Vazquez FiDi Fan Page / Seen & Heard: Powell Building gets preservation award
Happy to see the neighborhood get a bagel upgrade with Pop Up Bagels! Zuckers on Chambers finally gets much needed... — Tribeca Dad / Seen & Heard: Popup Bagels to open this summer
I don’t like the toll but to say the same amount of traffic is popping up elsewhere cannot be true.... — Tyler / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going
Recalling another oldest bar has anyone heard of any updates on The Bridge Café? — JPL / Seen & Heard: Powell Building gets preservation award
Jk Singer (talk about atrocious punctuation! Jk? Reading too much ee cummings? bell hooks?) must be a very lonely person... — Bruce Ehrmann / Sneak Peek: Printemps
Congrats Laura Starr! well done-well deserved! I voted! — madeline c lanciani / Seen & Heard: Vote for the Battery Playscape
Thanks for taking the time to share this. And thank you for doing all that you do for this community.... — A Tribeca Parent / Sneak Peek: Printemps