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Thanks, James, for as always bringing facts to the issue. Vinny Peanuts was truly a local hero, a long supporter... — Jeff / Neighbors are organizing to revamp Barnett Newman Triangle
His interest in the legislation was Vinny Peanuts — james / Neighbors are organizing to revamp Barnett Newman Triangle
Marte is very busy. He's sponsoring legislation to rename a street as "Lenny's Clam Bar Way" in Queens. You can't... — Thomas Hagen / Neighbors are organizing to revamp Barnett Newman Triangle
Where's Chris Marte in all of this? Like is he doing ANYTHING? I only see him randomly for certain things... — B / Neighbors are organizing to revamp Barnett Newman Triangle
Looks amazing! Cannot wait to go! Best of luck! — Not a Zona fan / Sneak Peek: HŪSO
I've got my reservations and am excited!! — B.Thompson / Sneak Peek: HŪSO
Which points? Has anyone seen a map where the cameras are off the west side highway and fdr? — Battery park citizen / Clarity — finally — on one angle of congestion pricing for Downtown residents