The reports on collisions are compiled month by month per precinct and reveal some patterns about dangerous intersections. / 1 comment
It helps to have narrow, slow, winding streets, with low traffic, and to be at the bottom of the city. / 15 comments
The fare has been proposed by a review board, whose report also includes rulings on exemptions for Downtown residents, electric vehicles and taxis. / 45 comments
Despite some remediations, neighbors say the tunnel traffic has gotten worse -- and it is likely to keep getting worse in the future. / 21 comments
A woman was run over by a huge SUV while trying to cross the highway. / 5 comments
The MTA announced that as of Dec. 1, the MTA will collect tolls in both directions on the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, closing the traffic loophole that clogged Downtown. / 24 comments
Traffic is already heating up -- and we are only in phase 1. What happens to the air and the streets downtown when commuters steer clear of mass transit? / 5 comments
lawyer* — Peter G / Nosy Neighbor: Can’t we restore the sidewalk in front of 45 Park Place?
I am not a layer but it seems the motion for foreclosure on the lot next to 45 Park Place... — Peter G / Nosy Neighbor: Can’t we restore the sidewalk in front of 45 Park Place?
Yes! This is actually a problem at the very corner where that photo was taken. The crosswalk area between the... — Lisa / Seen & Heard: It’s restaurant week!
Also issue with lack of clearance of DOT "pedestrian islands". There are many of them. And it is actually a... — Lin / Seen & Heard: It’s restaurant week!
Fantastic idea. We need them!! When will they start working for individuals? — Alexandra Neil / Kids These Days: Tech Tips
Fantastic! What a fantastic idea put into motion! The seniors must ADORE these kids, and I bet the kids are... — Lisamarie / Kids These Days: Tech Tips
terrific kid! terrific idea! — madeline c lanciani / Kids These Days: Tech Tips