Twelve Tweets of Tribeca

The rules of Tweebeca: 1) I don’t necessarily agree with them. 2) I’m 99.7% positive these are about our Tribeca and not, say, the bakery in the suburbs of Cape Town. 3) Tribeca Citizen is on Twitter, too—@TribecaCitizen. This time there are only 12 instead of the usual 13 because, well, what have you done for me lately?

Previous “Twelve Tweets of Tribeca” posts:
“WTFFFFFF AT THESE TRUCKS!!!!!!! I LIVE IN TRIBECA! IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE BE QUIET HERE!!!! *throws shit* [/imaginngimrichtantrum]”
“Tribeca is great for crazy rich people with substance abuse problems watching”
“Tribeca has beleaguered men walking corgis down cold”


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