December 9, 2010 Arts & Culture, People, Real Estate, Restaurant/Bar News, Services
••• More on the lighting of One World Trade. (New York Daily News)
••• The 9/11 health bill failed to get enough votes to ward off a Republican filibuster on Thursday. (DNAinfo) That this is being used as a wedge to extend the Bush tax cuts—it’s just unbelievable.
••• DNAinfo profiles Al Maddox, who opened his Nassau Street watch repair shop in 1949.
••• Curbed checks in on 77 Reade. Been there, done that.
••• New York Times favorably reviews Rachel Bonds’ “Michael & Edie,” now at Access Theater.
••• Trump Soho not being foreclosed on. (Bloomberg Businessweek, via Curbed)
••• “It’s been a long, hopscotch journey from the heartland of Decatur, Illinois (the Soybean Capital of the World) to Chicago, to Battery Park City, to Los Angeles and now back to Lower Manhattan for Kerri Randles, the writer and star of the one-woman show, ‘Can’t You Hear Me Knockin’?'” (Broadsheet Daily)
••• Will Smith considered (and decided against) buying at 152 Franklin. (New York Post)
••• Ric Orlando, a chef in Albany and the Saugerties/Woodstock area, posted this funny rant on his blog (about one part of a food-centered weekend in the city): “Sat PM Dinner- Celebrity chef Tribeca bistro- High Hopes. Fine Dining was Fine, but so safe. Where is the energy and excitement? Blaring John Mellencamp does not inject energy into the food. […] To spend $700 for 6—to eat stuff like mussels, steak frites, lamb shank, pasta bolognese and roast salmon—leaves you feeling kind of hollow. It didn’t suck, it was cooked correctly. It just didn’t make me feel like I was somewhere where someone was truly behind the food. There was no signature. It could have been a chain—a nice chain, but a chain nonetheless. No brightness, no spice, no assertiveness. It is like the nerds have taken over the school band. It had all of the right items—bones, octopus, shank—all cooked correctly but it was just so what. No one wants to lay claim to being an accurate lay. You’re either a good lay, a great lay, a crazy lay, lazy lay or a bad lay. This was a forgettable lay. What does that say about it?”
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