In the News: 250 West Update

••• I didn’t notice in yesterday’s reports about the sukkah solution that Friends of Duane Park “would pay the $600 cost of staffing the lot for one weekend.” Huh. Not sure how I’d feel about that if I were a donor to the organization. —New York Times

••• “A new condominium [250 West, left] being carved out of a large TriBeCa warehouse has been able to draw strong interest—and raise asking prices twice—even though the first unit won’t be ready for at least another year. Brokers say that the strong initial sales at 250 West St. show the golden halo around the market for large apartments as the wealthiest buyers shop in the best neighborhoods.” —Wall Street Journal

••• The push for a ticker-tape parade for 9/11 first responders. —Broadsheet Daily

••• “A man robbed [the Sovereign Bank] on Gold Street in the Financial District on Monday. […] He was wearing a white v-neck, khakis, white sneakers, carrying a brown paper bag and sporting the coup de grace: blue latex gloves, which are totally a subtle way of saying ‘I’m entering this bank in order to rob you.'” —Village Voice

••• A new restaurant called the Fulton “ramps up the quality quotient on Fulton Street, with several dining areas done in dark wood, and a menu of dishes like brick-pressed chicken, steak frites and lobster risotto, as well as burgers and sliders.” It’s at 121 Fulton; I can’t find a website for it.

••• Midtown Lunch raves about Ba’al Café & Falafel in Soho. Those fries do look mighty good….

••• An update on forlorn 372 Broadway. —Curbed

••• Not one Tribeca restaurant is getting Michelin’s Bib Gourmand, which denotes “excellence on a budget.” —Eater

••• “Ryan Sutton notices that SHO Shaun Hergatt has raised the price of its tasting menu from $75 to $85, but it’s now five courses as opposed to three: ‘So is this a DEAL? It sure is. Let’s just hope this Michelin-starred chef opens up a restaurant that’s a little further uptown next time.'” —Eater

••• “Two individuals were injured by falling debris at a construction site at Church and Cortlandt streets Tuesday, authorities said.” But they wouldn’t say where the construction was?! —DNAinfo

••• “9/11 Memorial Gun Ban Outrages First Responders, Retired Cops.” —DNAinfo

••• New York Times Executive Editor (and Tribeca resident) Jill Abramson’s book about her puppy is coming out soon. —WWD



  1. Well that would explain the “Closed Due To An Emergency” sign hanging in the bank windows when I dropped my kid off at the preschool also housed in 2 Gold St. , on Monday.

  2. @Erik – OMGoooooooooooooooooooooood! Why didn’t CB1 just vote on the request? Couldn’t the Friends of Chabad of Tribeca pay the $600? I am defriending Duane Park as I type.

  3. Wow. that is really generous of FDS. Its a private group and can spend its money as it pleases.

  4. FDS – “a cash donation helps pay for daily cleaning, new plants, care of the trees, poisoning the rats, adding soil nutrients and all those little and big things that preserve this treasured green space and any other shit that we want to pay for, so just shut up and give us your money. “

  5. Here’s $600, go play somewhere else…..

  6. The Fulton doesn’t seem to be open yet. Walked over there tonight and it’s still all boarded up.

  7. @Hudson River: I called the number in the NYT, but no answer. It’s 646-545-6647 in case you want to call before you go next time

  8. I think we should now all petition Friends of Duane Park for some funds for every religious holiday of every religious denomination ……

  9. Just to set the record straight, there won’t be any cost to the Friends of Duane Park. I know. I’m the treasurer.

    FDP called Julie Menin for an update at nearly 6pm; she was trying to reach Rabbi for last detail – cost of security – to no avail. FDP said we would fund the security so the deal could get done. Subsequently, Rabbi Zalman agreed to share the costs and so far two donors to FDP have stepped forward to defray the costs as well. So, beloved donors, don’t stop doning. We need you. We also believe the friends of Friends of Duane Park support our decision to help in the sukkah’s relocation.

  10. Would the FDP or Ms. Menin be interested in finding an alternate site for use by the teenagers that hang out on Staple Street smoking weed and yelling at 11:30 at night since their parents and the police don’t seem to care?

  11. @Robin – Nice attempt at a PR save. However, I believe that the friends of the Friends of Duane Park would not support the decision to use their donated funds to pay off an organization so they would not use the park. If that is the FDP’s revised policy, can you start by giving $600 to the homeless human beings in the park, so they can go somewhere else and get something to eat or a latte?