Seen & Heard: Chipotle

••• Behold, Chipotle! As Tribeca Citizen readers know, it’s coming to 281 Broadway (between Reade and Chambers). Actually, I took this photo a couple days ago, and when I walked by this morning, I peeked inside—if they don’t open by the end of next week, I’ll be surprised.

••• Tonight at 6 p.m. at the Bayard Rustin Education Complex (351 W. 18th St.): “Chancellor Walcott will discuss student achievement, school finances, and our city’s educational goals and priorities. There will be a Q&A period where parents can share their concerns with the Chancellor directly.  Please note that the Chancellor’s presentation will begin promptly at 6 p.m. and his portion of the program is scheduled to end at 7 p.m.” —HRP Mamas

••• The new Danish restaurant Aamanns/Copenhagen is delayed. From the PR rep: “The opening has been moved to the New Year and we’ll make an announcement in a few weeks of the new opening date.”

••• Tribeca-based rtist Grimanesa Amorós, who designed the installation in the lobby at 54 N. Moore, has another installation inside Tribeca Issey Miyake through Jan. 14. Here’s some video about it.

