First Look Inside the ZONA Pop-Up

zona peachesI popped into the ZONA pop-up shop, opening tomorrow inside Cheryl Hazan Gallery at 35 N. Moore. Everyone was still working madly to get it together—ZONA partners Franci Sagar, her daughter Sophie Sagar, and Philippa Crown; Cheryl Hazan; jeweler Stephanie Albertson; woman about Tribeca Wickham Boyle; and many others.

As you can see, the stuff is gorgeous and fun, with prices low and high, and Cheryl Hazan curated art for the occasion. (She and Franci Sagar go way back.) There’s much more, too, including clothing. I hereby call dibs on at least one stone peach and possibly one wooden stone potato, so don’t even think about buying them all up.

The shop will be open daily from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. through Jan. 6.

zona vaseszona felted bowls2zona tableszona bowlszona totezona snakezona artzona pralinezona platterzona coasterszona felted vasezona pillowszona earringszona ringzona jewelryzona bell



  1. Is there an online version of the Zona pop-up (or does that defeat the notion of a “pop-up”)?

  2. You have to come in experience the aromas sounds and visions Come come come

  3. I cannot begin to express the joy I felt when I read that Zona is returning! I’m a writer, and when I lived in NYC in the 80s and 90s, my reward for a royalty check or a new contract signed was always something from Zona. I still have bowls, candlesticks, a rain stick, a marble peach–so many Zona things in my home. I’m coming to the pop up store this afternoon and cannot wait!