In the News: Little Park’s Dinner Menu

Little Park menu••• Eater got the menu for Little Park, opening tonight at the Smyth.

••• Jon and Tracey Stewart sold their apartment at 161 Hudson for $17.5 million. (“In 2010, the funnyman bought a nearly 5,000-square-foot home in Red Bank, N.J. for $3.8 million.”) Right-wing nutjobs on Twitter think Stewart is a hypocrite for being a) vocal about income inequality, and b) rich. The level of thinking is embarrassing. —The Real Deal

••• The Fulton Center is opening Monday (which we already knew) at 5 p.m., according to a Curbed post about the oculus. (Photo courtesy MTA Flickr) UPDATE: It opens at 5 a.m. Monday (the ceremony was Sunday).

••• Vice interviewed that guy who posts flyers advertising himself as boyfriend material. Sample: “I went out with this girl Samantha. Samantha drinks too much, but she’s a real party animal and she’s super hot. That’s worth it. There was a bad one, she called me up said she was 45. I don’t want 45. I want late 20s, or 30s.” He’s 51.

••• “Downtown Alliance to run the Pier A visitors’ center.” —Downtown Post NYC

••• “Residents of Southbridge Towers who opposed the recent vote to privatize the complex are pursuing multiple strategies for challenging the result.” —Broadsheet



  1. But you told us it was opening at 5 a.m.
    Not that I’m planning to go either way, but if it opens at 5 a.m. that’s too early for politicians to get up for a ribbon-cutting, and if it’s 5 p.m. they’re going to get trampled by homeward-bound commuters, so I’m just puzzled.

  2. I too noticed the discrepancy, but I would imagine that 5:00 AM is the actual opening as it would be the start of the commuting day. I agree that no politician ill be there that early but they will likely just have a ribbon cutting later that morning. We shall see. :-)

