This is a departure from the usual Instagram Tribeca roundups in that these are all taken by yours truly. So follow Tribeca Citizen on Instagram! It’s 65% Tribeca, 25% other places, and 10% my dog. Be warned: I’ll most likely follow you back (unless you post too many photos of stuff I don’t care about, promotional images, or motivational graphics). If you think you’re not an Instagram person, because you don’t like Facebook or Twitter, you might give it a try. It’s less annoying, and posting a photo just feels easier and less loaded than posting text.
And if you take a great photo of Tribeca, please mention/tag @tribecacitizen so I’ll be sure to see it!
Here are some of my favorite Tribeca-ish ones. I avoid filters because my 14-year-old niece mocked me once for using them, and I have yet to recover.
Previously in this series:
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 1)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 2)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 3)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 4)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 5)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 6)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 7)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 8)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 9)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 10)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 11)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 12)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 13)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 14)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 15)
As always love your photos TC