Seen & Heard: New Liquor Store

••• Something to think about from A.: “If a mass casualty like the one in Orlando were to happen in Lower Manhattan after Beth Israel is reconfigured, there would not be adequate ER and trauma capacity. If it happened during the day, it would take far too long for ambulances to reach the site and then get back to ERs in midtown and upper Manhattan. There are many more concerns about Mt. Sinai’s plans, but this highlights the most serious one.” All I know is that the media coverage of these atrocities makes me sick to my stomach; the stuff about who the killer was, how he carried out his plan, the victims’ reactions, and so forth is a disgusting form of entertainment, or even pornography, but instead of sexual titillation you get the deep sense of relief that it wasn’t you. Sorry if that was a bit heavy for Monday morning.

••• From a reader who found a valuable piece of jewelry the other day: “We stood in the same spot for a while, but no one ever came back looking for it. We’re still hoping to find the owner.” If you think that might be you, email with “an exact description of the piece and if possible, the day they lost it and where (the street) that they may have lost it.”

••• When I saw the notice for an off-premises liquor license on the side door at Soho Pharmacy, I figured the pharmacy was going to start selling beer. But then I noticed that the address on the notice is 19 Sixth Avenue (the pharmacy is at 21 Sixth Ave.), and the windows around the door at 19 are papered over. It’s a stockroom that—as I found out when I asked inside—the owners of Soho Pharmacy are turning into a liquor store.

••• Pakistan Tea House was closed again on Saturday and Sunday. I’ve reached out to the owner to see if there’s any word on when it might reopen. UPDATE: It’s closed today, too.

Pakistan Tea House••• The retail offerings turn downmarket when you leave the World Trade Center Oculus and enter the passageway to Fulton Center. The kiosks are currently labeled Tiecoon, TravelStyle, Time Zone, and Perfume Station.

Tiecoon at Fulton Center••• Heyday facial shop put up signage at its forthcoming location on Reade.

Heyday signage••• Augustine, Keith McNally’s all-day restaurant at the Beekman hotel, has signage, too. The storefront is looking pretty.

AugustineAugustine signage closeup

