In the News: Time for a Boston Tea Party in North Cove Marina?

••• The Broadsheet has a long article on the Battery Park City Authority’s recent decision to allow elected officials to speak at its board meetings, but not residents. Choice quote from BPCA board chairman Dennis Mehiel: “If any member of the public, if somebody wants to present written comments to the board, on one of our agenda items, it would be noted and included in the minutes. And that’s as far as I think that it’s reasonable for us to go.”

••• “The original holding cells that for nearly 80 years caged suspects in today’s 1st Precinct station house, formerly the 4th Precinct built in 1912, are ending their long, grim presence at 16 Ericsson Pl. […] Each five-by-seven-foot chamber of confinement will soon be gone, making room for new offices as part of a million-dollar renovation of the building.” —Tribeca Trib

••• Tracy Anderson is opening a fitness studio in an old movie theater on E. 59th St. —New York Post

••• The Wall Street Journal profiles guitar maker Ric McCurdy, whose atelier is at 19 Hudson: “‘Repairing guitars pays the rent,’ he explained, his tools neatly arrayed above the workbench behind him. ‘Making guitars feeds the soul.'”

courtesy McCurdy Guitars


1 Comment

  1. I’m still heartbroken at the removal of the working horse stables at the 1st precinct, always such a unique experience smelling the hay as you climb out of the franklin stop. But then again they said once the 10 year anniversary of 911 passed theyd bring them back!
