Seen & Heard: The Former Bouley Space Has Sold

••• Look what a thorough facade cleaning did for 126 Chambers. The “before” photo is from December and courtesy Google Maps.

••• The Soho Alliance sent out an email about the lawyers who take advantage of the Americans with Disabilities Act to squeeze settlements from businesses large and small—and old buildings, especially those in historic districts (where changes are impossible and/or expensive). It included this important bit of advice: “Lawyers the SoHo Alliance has consulted advised there is a simpler solution to avoid this shakedown and to assist legitimate disabled individuals at the same time. Namely, install a $20 wireless doorbell and a blue ‘ADA Accessibility’ compliancy sign by the front door for the handicapped person to summon assistance.  That may suffice.  However, to be 100% safe, provide a portable folding ramp available online for less than $100.”

••• The former Bouley space at 161 Duane (including the kitchen space further east on Duane) has been sold to an investor, and I understand that they’re looking for a restaurant tenant.

••• I hadn’t realized that Mmuseumm’s new-ish Rest Stop on Cortlandt Alley would offer a catalog for sale. A good gift for your art-loving Tribecan….

••• Something is happening at the western half of 85 Franklin. Anyone know what?

