New Kid on the Block: TD Bank

I wouldn’t usually post a bank as a new kid, since they seem to come and go and switch spots so quickly, but since TD Bank snagged the retail on this cast iron beauty, I thought it was worth a note.

The bank has six branches south of Canal, including the one on the southeast corner of Chambers and Greenwich.

TD Bank
287 Broadway at Reade
Monday to Friday, 8a to 6p
Saturday, 9:30a to 1p


That poor (beautiful) building has been through it. I think it was around 2008 when its foundation was undermined by the construction of the ugly tower next to it — 57 Reade. The building then became known as the Leaning Tower of Tribeca when it started to tilt after the adjacent buildings at 279 were torn down — and then it got caught in litigation over who was responsible. The shrouds came off in 2018; I think there are 10 apartments inside.

I took this shot from Downtown Dance Factory in 2012, when the building had been emptied.



  1. What a contrast! The beauty of this (relatively) small restored gem against the sterile glass block next to it. Glad to see the lovely smaller building unveiled again.

  2. That shot with the snow is beautiful. Makes me miss snow believe it or not since we hardly got any this winter.

