DC 37 building at Barclay is coming along

I saw the cool design that Tribecan and landscape architect Ken Smith is doing for the private roof deck at the DC 37 building at 125 Barclay at West and figured it was a good time for an update. They started the work in early 2022.

The municipal employee union, which owns the building, is redoing the facade of the 11-story building as well ask making changes to the interiors and the roof, but there will be no change in occupancy or egress. The are not adding stories or doing anything else significant, though there is some asbestos abatement required. Lilker Associates has some additional renderings on their site. It looks like the old facade is still behind the glass curtain wall.

The completion date they set originally is spring 2024.


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  1. Lilker Associates, not Likler.

  2. City worker here. DC 37 is my union. Sometimes I wonder if the union will ever sell this property since it’s prime real estate. This building was damaged during super storm Sandy and some of the units within the union are still operating out of 55 Water Street.

  3. If you look carefully behind the protective shroud, they actually have dismantled the original masonry over the past year. So the new cladding is indeed brand new, not just a re skinning of the previous design. This means the windows will be much larger in the new iteration, but they have still included some vertical facade elements which seem to be some sort of metal.
