Spectrum has closed on Chambers

The Spectrum store on Chambers, at the corner with Church in 30 Warren, has closed. This is a prominent corner, and it’s a bummer to have it empty. (Thanks to B. for spotting the sign weeks ago.)

But wait, there’s more: there have been plans for a cannabis dispensary at 30 Warren on the CB1 agendas for the past two months, and before Spectrum closed, I assumed there was a smaller retail space in the building with an entrance on Warren. However, it may indeed be that they want that entire glass storefront on Church: the application is now listed as 149 Church. The applicant, once again with the ridiculous name, is Cloud Father.

Neighbors are organizing against that one already — there is a petition against it here. The meeting is Feb. 15, 6p, Manhattan Community Board Office – Conference Room – 1 Centre Street, 2202A-North, or online live here.

While we are on the topic of that corner, the space across Church Street, in Tribeca Rogue, or 146 Church, has been empty since the Vitamin Shoppe left in 2022. 



  1. Similarly, it’s sad how so many long time business have been forced to close (Imperial Coffee House, “Wines & Liquors”, Racoon Lodge, Mangez Avec Moi, Palermo Pizza, American Icon), when the buildings are torn down and replaced (or not- West Broadway between Warren & Murray, I’m lookin’ at you), only to have the new storefronts remain vacant for way too long. I am sure there are plenty of other examples.

  2. Another prominent example: Park Row between Ann and Beekman Streets. This was once a retail hub (dominated, admittedly, at some point, by J & R Music World). Now the street-level retail spaces are empty, and the streetscape is barren on that block.

    Although it was sometimes crowded, the block was busy and bustling. There was a hum of commerce that added life and interest to the neighborhood in a way that urban advocates like Jane Jacobs understood as essential.

    Now the block has all the charm and personality of the windswept AT&T plaza between Worth and Thomas Streets.

  3. Leaning into the comments above that listed so many closed great businesses…is it realistic to get more small businesses that don’t lean towards catering mostly to the affluent to Tribeca? Of course I understand that luxury retailers/services are always going to target locations in this zip code but can there also be some balance with SO many empty storefronts in this neighborhood? Is it just impossible with the rent? Is the main cause of shuttering always just the rent or is there something that could be done to ease the burden by voicing suggestions to our local politicians? I’m asking because I truly don’t know what it takes to run a hobby shop, a flower shop, computer repair store, a restaurant, etc. where the goods are affordable to customers and what the main obstacles are (aside from the price of seemingly everything being up). Is the opportunity still there for the someone not associated with a VC fund or will we continue to mourn chains like BB&B and Barnes & Noble when they close because they’re slowly starting to be the closest thing we have to mom and pop? Or are we just forever cursed with inflated prices because if somehow a small guy does make it here with low operating costs, he’ll raise his rates regardless to match his competitor’s across the street?
    (Writing this on my trek back to Tribeca from having dinner at Squire’s Diner)

  4. Ask them? Seriously, the small (and not-so-small retailers) would probably supply fast answers. That’s a good project for the Downtown Alliance, local politicians, etc.

  5. I’m a democrat but what is our councilman doing? He’s no where to be found and his socials seem like he does nothing compared to other ones like Bottcher. Is he quiet quitting his job?

  6. Are these comments mourning the closure of Spectrum as if it’s a small local business? I must be missing something here….Spectrum? Really? Spectrum? We are missing the mark here I fear. Spectrum?

  7. The city should store migrants here. Get those poor people out of their cold little tents. It’s February — help them out Mayor A.

  8. Most of Tribeca is a ghost town, as compared to other parts of the city. Foot traffic alone cannot sustain a successful business here. Most rents are reasonable. But, when you add the unpredictability of ever rising real estate taxes which you can’t budget for it makes to hard to run a successful business here.

  9. As some wise guy once said “Let the artists in, there goes the neighborhood.”
