Some of the city’s best wine lists are here

Star Wine List, a Swedish media company that rates the best wine lists at restaurants around the world over several categories with an expert jury, has named a whole bunch of local restaurants as winners. At first it looked like a PR thing (well, it is — as much as Michelin is), but actually the organization looks great — in fact I wish I had thought of it. You can read more about how they judge here.

So here goes:

In the “Long List” category (more than 600 bottles), the silver stars went to Chambers, One White Street and Terroir Tribeca. (The gold star went to Eleven Madison Park, which also won the Grand Prix.) Terroir and Chambers were also noted for their sparkling wine lists.

Restaurant Marc Forgione got a silver for best California list. And a silver star for the Short List went to Peasant and One Fifth, Forgione’s other restaurants.

Chambers got a gold star in the Sustainable category. And Terroir got the gold star for best By The Glass list, with Chambers and SAGA in Fidi getting silvers.

You vinofiles can check out the rest of the list here. 

