Over the two decades he lived in Battery Park City, Notaro dedicated his non-working hours to the community, serving on countless committees, boards, panels and coalitions.
Plus: The Tribeca loft of jewelry designer Mignonne Gavigan Smith; Cuban bar BlackTail opens this week; city mulling traffic changes to the Chambers and West intersection; a look back at the Pulitzer building that was once on Park Row; Q&A with the incoming Community Board 1 chair. / 1 comment
Plus: Tribeca composer's new piece was inspired by construction noise outside his apartment; Community Board 1 rivals join forces.
UPDATE: The brand is founded by a TV character! Plus: CB1 member on Asphalt Green delays; Corbin Building windows; Will Smith film shooting here today; Chilean pop-up; 50 Varick windows; plumber recommendation? / 2 comments
Plus: New leadership at CB1; popsicles and tamales; burger kiosk; Beach and Varick, then and now; cheating student's excuse; nightclub shuttered.
Plus: Bloomberg defends atheists; naked people in FiDi on purpose; martial arts; Battery Park City Block Party leadership vacuum; 200 Chambers penthouse.
Plus: Eulogizing Anne Compoccia; BPCA nominee limbo; 9/11 families upset about sphere; Tribeca Enterprises expanding again; artist Andy Jurinko.
Interesting analysis: "At $2.90, the NYC Subway is too cheap" https://fleker.medium.com/at-2-90-the-nyc-subway-is-too-cheap-4ea2178b903c — Marcus / The future of congestion pricing is “now or never”
Consumers from outside NYC, who want to enjoy the city, will complain and then pay it, too. They just don't... — J Frank P / The future of congestion pricing is “now or never”
It can be *both* a way to reduce congestion and raise money. The program did both in London. The suggestions... — Marcus / The future of congestion pricing is “now or never”
At least it is now very clear what this is for: raising funds, and increasing tax on New Yorkers. Not... — Will / The future of congestion pricing is “now or never”
Once they bond it, it'll be too difficult to cancel. — malcolm / The future of congestion pricing is “now or never”
Trump would not be able to cancel it. Hochul should step up to the plate and enact Congestion Pricing and... — Heide Fasnacht / The future of congestion pricing is “now or never”
Yes, this indeed as well. Fare evasion is out of control. — Marcus / The future of congestion pricing is “now or never”