Read about AOA in the Tribeca Citizen Restaurant Guide.
"I'd love to see a list of restaurants serving breakfast in the neighborhood. I'm tired of the places I know!" —Janet / 7 comments
"On Saturday and Sunday, families come and have breakfast and the kids are in their pajamas," says Square Diner co-owner Teddy Karounos. "We've seen them go from diapers to college. That's really wonderful. We feel like a member of the community." / 3 comments
The karaoke bar on Murray was the subject of a heated discussion, as was the ever-inconsiderate behavior of Sazón's patrons. Also debated: the nightclub on W. Broadway, a new Irish pub on Warren, Japanese food on Chambers, and more. / 3 comments
Plus: Peeking over the fence at 460 Washington; another glimpse of the Canal Street landmark reno; the Tribeca Ball; AOA Express has closed.
Plus: Construction underway at Baked; wild mushrooms; Fulton Center subway access; Martha Erlebacher exhibit.
Plus: Brazilian bar closed; Scorcese film shooting here; the maybe-an-IHOP space; 72 Vestry question (and answer); new traffic light turned on. / 1 comment
Plus: BPCA board meeting canceled; AOA restaurant; 101 Sixth Ave. sold (and union leaving); Pier A windows left open; 149 Franklin; Edward's runs afoul of the Health Department. / 1 comment
yes — Tribeca Citizen / Congestion pricing is here
On Sunday I went to the MET from BPC, using West End / FDR. Came back same way and parked... — Tiago Mogadouro / Congestion pricing is here
I shared this with my NY office folks. Most appreciated it — Patrick / Congestion pricing is here
I spoke with Chris Marte a few times. I dont believe he is good for NYC, and certainly not for... — Patrick / Congestion pricing is here
oy, this is terrible news. our favorite restaurant in the neighborhood. first sushi of Gari, now this. total bummer. thanks... — JvD / Sushu Azabu will close in a couple weeks
With all the extensive news coverage and varying points of view, I have not seen a definitive answer to the... — Tracy Nieporent / Congestion pricing is here
Does anyone know the fate of Philip Martiny's majestic sculptural group that was perched on top of the clock tower... — John Willenbecher / The injustice of time, and the Clock Tower Building