With video of their surprised kids. Plus: Updates on conveyor-belt sushi and haute Korean restaurants coming soon; Whole Foods' anniversary party; RHX says it's closing; a bench. / 1 comment
The longest days of the year can get really, really long if you have a bored child hanging around. Keep 'em occupied—and happy!—with these excellent neighborhood options. / Sponsored
Ticking off the neighbors. Plus: Claremont Prep sold; DJ caught getting a—oh, never mind; Q&A re: Pier A and dog bar; Water Taxi Beach redo; hot little neighborhoods. / 2 comments
Claremont Prep's new middle-and-high school near Bowling Green offers gorgeous views in every direction.
Prepare to be envious: The kids at the new Claremont Prep school probably have no idea how lucky they are. Take a look around....
Don't patronize the store if you don't like it. So sick if you don't agree with something or politics you... — Native / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Hey, I'm all for the Ten Commandments...even when shopping. But even better is our Bill of Rights which brings them... — Betty Heller / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Do they sell arts and crafts for Chanukkah and Passover? Are the goods all made in USA? — Tribeca resident / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Great gallery. Most welcome. — Heide Fasnacht / Cristin Tierney Gallery takes the ground floor at 49 Walker
Upcoming article in the New York Times will detail how Hobby Lobby is aligned with the principles of Project 2025.... — Heide Fasnacht / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Did any of the residents commenting here frequent Mudd Club from 78 to 83? Area has been mentioned, which was... — Paul Michael / Tribeca in the 1980s
i personally am happy to see anyone open a retail establishment in the neighborhood. there are way too many empty... — josh / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich