Plus US Rep. Dan Goldman will hold a virtual town hall; Paris Cafe has closed (again); Downtown Little League opening night is April 4. / 4 comments
A landlord claims that Goldman stiffed him on the rent for his penthouse at 60 Collister for the past four months.
Dan Goldman and his family were in Israel for a bar mitzvah when the war broke out and were flown out yesterday to New York. Cory Booker was there as well.
Plus PS 150 will host its online auction; happy hour in the dog run; security grants for religious institutions.
Plus our congressman racks up a pile of tickets; Hurricane Ida families must leave Millennium hotel; a list of the top restaurants. / 17 comments
Plus Dan Goldman on colleague George Santos; Tribeca Therapy adds a Brooklyn office; Downtown Little School plans reunion. / 1 comment
Plus Congressman-elect Dan Goldman announces district staff; Azabu's shed is open; Jennifer Elster at a new gallery on Leonard.
For the editorial board it was a race between Mondaire Jones and Goldman, and they praise him for his law enforcement experience, integrity and knowledge of law. / 1 comment
The lead counsel for the House impeachment investigation of Donald Trump is raising five kids in Tribeca and coaching soccer in his spare time. / 6 comments
He is not retiring. The owners have to stop spreading rumors. — Gar / Sushi Ichimura will close in August
I'm apolitical and far from religious and definitely not a "crafter" but I'm gonna shop there just to mess all... — Makes You Go Hmmmm.... / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Hobby Lobby hates women. — Bec Nyny / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Agree with the urgency of the issues you detailed Malcolm! Please consider this: they are connected. Hobby Lobby also demonizes... — Heide Fasnacht / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Nice menu, pretty pictures, no prices. So I guess this is another restaurant in the "if you have to ask"... — mulciber / Previewing Teakwood Thai Chophouse in Hell’s Kitchen
What is the real fight these days? I would argue our lurch into becoming a Christian nationalist country that demonizes... — malcolm / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Yes, I believe you and I are in agreement? — malcolm / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich