A heck of a lot opened last year—but, alas, quite a bit closed, too. And one restaurant managed to do both. / 2 comments
...has new owners and a new name. Plus: A pop-up shop gets extended; Tribeca filmmaker discusses his work; spa deal; Cognac tasting; and more
Matt Schneider of the NYC Dads Group shows us around his Tribeca—including where the best chocolate chip cookies are, which celebrity he chatted up at Pécan, and how he and his wife just celebrated their wedding anniversary.
Mysterious Bookshop's Otto Penzler unloads his collection of British espionage and thriller fiction • Bargains on yoga, Pilates, Botox, and spa treatments • Franklin Café delivers • More
I had dinner at Franklin Café Tavola Calda last night—it's the new restaurant at West Broadway and Franklin—and I have a few things to add to the profile I wrote about it. / 1 comment
Plus: Franklin Café opening for lunch today • Big deals on tableware • An update on Tamarind Tribeca, a.k.a. Godot: The Restaurant • Two good things to come out of St. Patrick's Day
Franklin Café Tavola Calda is the first restaurant where Luigi Leuci has “100 percent vision"—and a major part of that vision is for the restaurant to be “tavola calda,” which means “warm table” but, more idiomatically, a casual restaurant where you can grab a quick bite. Plus: pizza! / 6 comments
GET THIS KID A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE!! I finally have .01% hope for our future. I love this work and... — B.Thompson / Kids These Days: Tech Tips
It's TAQ, just so folks know. The opened just over a year ago. https://tribecacitizen.com/2023/10/27/new-kid-on-the-block-taq/ — Tribeca Citizen / The family from Beef Bar has taken the Sarabeth’s corner
Couldn't agree with you more MTA estimates losses due to fare evasion spiked to as much as $800 million in... — Matt / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going
I think we have a hidden gem in Tribeca that doesn’t get its due. Tac, on Warren Street, has good... — Elizabeth / The family from Beef Bar has taken the Sarabeth’s corner
Chinatown Building Supply (72 Walker) is a long-trusted local business that makes keys, and they're inexpensive. — mulciber / A new gallery is opening tonight in the Tribeca Hardware space
Whenever l want something unique and beautiful l contact the Plecas sister’s. l’ve been buying gifts for myself and special... — Jacqueline Shabot / Made in Tribeca: PLEĆAŠ
Yeah, handing over billion$ to the mismanaged and free spending MTA makes sense to non-critical thinkers. The so called "congestion"... — Common Sense / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going