Plus: Remembering Liz Berger with a plaza; rapper Lupe Fiasco's art show; Bavaria Bierhaus in FiDi; holiday train show; PR person's loft; 363 Greenwich analysis; Walmart's Occupy Wall Street posters; "Nutcracker" review; Fulton Center "Sky Reflector Net."
Plus: Test-driving Aqua for men; a celebration of Liz Berger's life; more on 15 Warren's rehabilitation; 9/11 bells. Tribeca in 1870. Plus: Is any of that system left?; Washington Street floor plan; Liz Berger; proposed Pier 17 boat usage; FiDi pizzeria reopens; reviewing Federal Plaza; Ferragamo store.
The Downtown Alliance announced today that its president, Liz Berger, has passed away. There was no bigger booster of Lower Manhattan. / 6 comments
"When we have a firm opening date, we will release it publicly in an exclusive and on social media.” lol... — Elizabeth / Nosy Neighbor: When will Meadow Lane open? — Tribeca Citizen / Sneak Peek: Olive’s
Do we have an update on the opening date for Olive's? — Battery park local / Sneak Peek: Olive’s
I have never been able to reach anyone... — Tribeca Citizen / Seen & Heard: Powell Building gets preservation award
Thank you for answering this question. I have been wondering about this for years. I wrote City Hall about this... — FG / Nosy Neighbor: What happened to the gas lamps at City Hall Park?
It's a great time then to quit eggs for good, considering the cruel horrors of the egg industry. — Marcus / In the News: Today’s deadline for congestion pricing
I believe the "deadline" was extended by 30 days (or the end of month, can't quite remember..) — B.Thompson / In the News: Today’s deadline for congestion pricing